Empower Hope Leadership Center

Working From the Inside Out
Empower Hope Africa’s offices in Nairobi have had to be relocated several times due to organizational growth. When a property inside the Githogoro slum where we do much of our work became available, we saw an amazing opportunity to work right in the midst of the people we serve.
Help Us Finish the Dream!
Your generosity fuels change that lasts for generations. Together, we can empower Githogoro’s future, one step at a time!
About Empower Hope Center
The new facility—Empower Hope Center—is currently under construction and will integrate our local programs into a single center. The center is the first of its kind in the area and is enthusiastically backed by community leaders.
At the center, the Empower Hope team will teach practical life skills along with workplace training designed to equip young adults to succeed at life outside of the slum, including services & programs like:
- Counseling services
- Mentoring & discipleship groups
- Social skills discussions
- Parent involvement forums
- Life skills coaching
- Community events
- Business leadership training
- Entrepreneurial training
It will also function as a safe space for our Ambassador Mentorship Program trainees who live in Githogoro and neighboring slum Huruma to come together to cultivate relationships and to train the next generation of leaders.

A Two-Phase Focus
An Administrative Center for Empower Hope staff and educational programs.
A Life Skills Training Center aimed to commercialize workplace skills empowering youth to earn a living and to provide for themselves.

About Githogoro Slum
With limited access to basic services such as safe housing, electricity, sanitary facilities, clean drinking water, along with a lack of uninterrupted education, the problems of extreme poverty persist with no solution in sight.
Children are often left to fend for themselves during the day. Youth and young adults are of an age that is often forgotten or has aged out of most aid programs and oftentimes have no opportunity to find gainful employment due to lack of skill and jobs.
The Empower Hope Leadership Center will help to change all that!